May 05, 2012

Chiringuito "La Moraga" - Step 01 - Competition Winner


j salinas wins a competition in Adra for the construction of two kiosk - restaurants beside the beach.

the main concept is a passive design based on the solar angle during the most busy periods, so the shape has been thought for creating the maximum amount of shadows in the restaurant during the lunch time in summer period. also the orientation and the organization of the shapes have considered the strong winds of the area, so the main volume has been located to protect the mail space of the restaurant.

the skin is designed with grasshopper to capt as much sun as possible during the lunch time. as the building is located in Almería we have to be safe of sun radiation during the lunch time. we have created a shape, where the roof is a plane perpendicular to average sun vector for the selected period.

this is the main view of the Chiringuito, with a west / east orientation.